Call for Papers: Mapping Co-operative Studies in the New Millennium, A Conference
at the Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada
The British Columbia Institute for Co-operative Studies invites proposals for
papers for a conference exploring the nature and possibilities of Co-operative
Studies to be held at the University of Victoria, 28 -31 May 2003. This is an
international conference...It will follow a Youth Congress (24 - 27 May 2003)
that will examine how young people view co-operatives today, reports of their
findings being brought forward for discussion at this conference. Deadline for
proposals: October 31, 2002.
The conference will consider the state of research into the roles of co-operatives,
past and present; the nature of co-operative movements, historical and contemporary;
and the nature of co-operative thought, traditional and innovative. We invite
papers considering the special characteristics of research within Co-operative
Studies: the nature of the field, especially in relation to established and
new forms of disciplinary and interdisciplinary enquiry;... the development
of teaching
about the movement; and the ways in which Co-operative Studies can be advanced
within the academy and co-operative movements. We also invite proposals on
other themes you think should be considered in reaching a better understanding
of the
field of Co-operative Studies.
In addition, we welcome proposals on the following topics addressing the theme Co-operatives
Confront the Future. We hope considering this theme will provide opportunities
to expand discussion of perspectives raised at the Youth Congress and to address
further issues central to the field of Co-operative Studies:
1) Globalisation and co-operatives;
2) The impact of technologies on co-operatives;
3) Governance of co-operative;
4) Co-operatives and food security;
5) Co-operatives
and social cohesion;
6) Auditing co-operatives;
7) Studies of specific types
of co-operatives (e.g., health, tourism, funeral co-operatives)
In keeping with the customs of Co-operative Studies conferences, we will be
pleased to consider papers on other subjects, space permitting. For further
on the conference, consult the BCICS web site: (http://web.uvic.ca/bcics) or
contact Ian MacPherson,
Director, British Columbia Institute for Co-operative
University of Victoria,PO Box 3060 STN CSC,
Victoria, British
Canada, V8W 3R4,
Telephone: 1-250-472-4539, Fax: 1-250-472-4541,
e-mail: cluny@uvvm.uvic.ca;
Please submit proposals to the conference e-mail address: mapcs@uvic.
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